Friday Jun 23, 2023

Titanic Submarine Customer Service

In this week's jam-packed episode of the Second Mouse Podcast, we're plunging into some seriously deep water... literally and figuratively. 

Firstly, we're navigating through the ill-fated Titanic submarine expedition, where ambition drowned in the depths of poor preparation. Did someone say, 'overconfidence'? Yes, we did, and we're taking a deep dive into the implications of setting sail (or should we say, dive?) with a submarine that wasn't cut out for such oceanic depth. We'll talk about the government's response, the aftermath, and the lessons we should glean from this modern-day maritime disaster. Trust us, it's more entertaining than it sounds - we're not ones to let a good disaster go without a laugh or two.

Then, we're surfacing for some political discussion - don't worry, we brought the cynicism. Enter stage right: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his anti-vaccine presidential campaign. We discuss how he's turned the broken political system into his own personal oxygen tank, and why that's as laughably absurd as it sounds. While we do think RFK Jr.'s views are straight out of Looney Tunes, we can't ignore the fact that our political climate has provided a platform for such 'crank loonery' to exist. 

So join us this week on the Second Mouse Podcast as we sink our teeth into these topics. Sure, we might be late to the party, but we always have the sharpest cheese knife ready for a good slice of satirical commentary. Be the second mouse. Get the cheese, and the laughs, right here with us.

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